QSLI a.k.a. FE FAQ

I.  Frequently Asked Questions about Fusion Excel Products

1. What is the pendant made of?

A. A Japanese Technology, FusionExcel’s Quantum Pendant is made from natural volcanic minerals from Japan.  

The active ingredients inside the Pendant comprise of 76 different natural minerals extracted from volcanic rocks, which are then recombined using nanotechnology and heat fusion methods.

2. Can I replace a broken pendant?

A. Yes. Bring all the broken pieces back to the original place of purchase together with the Authenticity Card with matching serial numbers for a small replacement fee of CAD$40.00/USD$35. You are responsible for all shipping costs.

3. How long does the pendant last?

A. Lifetime.

5. What other usages are there for the pendant?

A. Anti-inflammatory - place the pendant on the targeted area for 20-30 minutes.

A. Bathtub - put the pendant in a zip lock and place it in the bath tub for 15-20 minutes before taking a bath.

6. What are the side effects of using the pendant/bracelet?

A. Some users have experienced skin rashes or feeling tired for a short period of time. This is called "healing crisis". This happens when our body tries to dispose toxins at a faster rate than our body can cope with.

This often happens during detoxification and when cleansing takes place within our body. It also happens when our body is trying to heal itself to achieve a good state of health, and in the process, the symptoms of healing crisis can be dramatic and unpleasant.

A healing crisis can result from any holistic/natural therapy such as homeopathy, naturopathy, improved diet, and or using the Quantum Pendant.

7. Can I shower with the pendant?

A. Yes. Water will not affect the effectiveness of the pendant. In fact Scalar Energy reacts best with water. Some people are concerned  when the pendant gets wet. The concern here is not the pendant but rather the string/cord. We advise that you carefully remove the pendant before showering so that the string/cord does not frail quickly from the wetness and therefore, would last longer. If you are wearing the pendant with a metal chain then this is not an issue.

8. Is the pendant magnetic?

A. NO, it is non-magnetic.


1. How can I tell if the Fusion Excel Quantum Pendant is genuine?

Recently the company (FusionExcel) had to put up a system of product registration into its company  website www.fusionexcel.com as the products--particularly the pendants are being faked and are being sold cheap in the internet, ebay or in stores.

Here is the link: 

The Customs officials in the different countries have been made aware of these fakes and the harm these do in terms of transmitting radiation into the body.  In fact a whole container had been seized in the Philippines. 

It is very easy to tell a fake by the authenticity card it carries or does not carry.  Some claim it is another product but that it looks exactly or similar to the FusionExcel Quantum Pendant.  Needless to say it is an imitation that does not have the health effects of scalar energy patented by FusionExcel--to say the least. 

Energizing Water

1. How do I energize the water?

A. Place the Quantum Pendant next to the cup or bottle for about 15 minutes.

2. How long will the water stay energized?

A. Indefinitely, as long as the energized water is not exposed to electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF) or negative energy.

3. What other liquid can I energize?

A. Basically any liquid like juice, wine and beer. Many users have found the wine and beer taste smoother.

4. Is the energized water only for human consumption?

A. The energized water can be used for animals and watering plants.

Product Returns

1. I wish to return a product. What do I do?

A. Products purchased can be returned within 14 days of a sale for a full refund. The product must be returned in original condition, along with the receipt number (if applicable). Please return the product to the original place of purchase.

2. What happens if I purchase a Starter Pack, and later decide to return the product?

A. You can return the product, in original condition and within 14 days of registering your new account, for a full refund. If you do so, your new account will be Frozen. You will not be able to access a Frozen account, and no PVs are paid to Frozen accounts. Frozen accounts will still remain in your network, and any accounts underneath the Frozen account will be unaffected. You cannot later choose to reactivate a Frozen account.

reference:  maejohn.com and FE Get

 In GOD we trust!

II.  Frequently Asked Questions about Fusion Excel Products

Fusion Excel FAQ

1. How is the Quantum Pendant going to help me?

You will feel more energetic, more focused, be less prone to suffer from headaches and can better cope with stress. Any aches and pains should gradually disappear.

2. Should I wear the Quantum Pendant all the time?

Yes, except when taking a bath. As for wearing during sleep, some find difficulty in sleeping while others can sleep more soundly.

3. How soon will I have to wait before experiencing any effects?

Some respond within a few hours while others may require up to 1 week to register its effects. If there is still no effect after 1 week, removing it for a week is sometimes the best way to monitor how it has been of benefit.

4. Will it ever run out?

No, it will last a lifetime. It also does not require any maintenance.

5. Are there any side-effects to wearing Quantum Pendant?

It is not magnetic, not electrical and not radioactive.

A few wearers have experienced a strange or uncomfortable feeling during the first few days and may be symptomatic of the body adjusting to the effects of the pendant.

If the discomfort continues, wear it for a few hours a day at first and gradually increase the wearing time.

6. What can I do if wearing the Quantum Pendant did not help to reduce the pain of the affected part?

You can try rubbing the Quantum Pendant directly over the painful area.

7. Why do some people experience an initial worsening of the pain on wearing Quantum Pendant?

This is known as the ‘Healing Crisis or Healing Process’ which may occur prior to resolution of the symptoms.

8. How do I energize the water?

By placing Quantum Pendant underneath a glass or a bottle of water for at least 15 minutes.

9. What are the benefits of drinking energized water?

It is the same as the benefits of wearing the Quantum Pendant and the effects last 4-24 hours depending on the individual’s energy level. The water has a fresher and more pleasant taste. Some have applied the energized water to the skin for chronic skin diseases. Others have used it on their hair to promote hair growth.

10. What is the difference between alkaline water and energized Quantum Pendant water?

Many have mistakenly believed that making the body less acidic via alkaline water is healthy! This can cause pH imbalance, bone problems and organ damage if not careful. Safest way is fruits and vegetables and your body balances the pH itself through natural processing of these healthy foods. Drinking water is safer when neutral pH, as it is in its natural state. For more information, read Harvey Diamond’s “Fit for Life” book. Quantum Pendant does not tamper with the natural safe pH of energized healing water. If nature wanted us to drink alkaline water, then water would be alkaline. Keep in mind that water is of neutral pH.

11. Where is the proof of these benefits?

If you look for the proof of ‘chi’ energy it’s all around you. Looking for proof of quantum physics is in the results not the cause and effects. Rather like the great religions of the world one either believes or does not. Look at the tests and observe and taste the differences.

12. How does it prevent jet lags?

Wetter liquids – more ability for the body organs to absorb water, increased ‘hydration’ locked within the natural molecular structure are thousands of molecular clusters. The body organs can hydrate and absorb the liquid more easily. In addition, the surface tension of the water has been removed (bio film) which adds to the hydration effect. Increased oxygen potential – Increasing oxygen in the blood cells increases energy levels. The natural molecular structure locks in the oxygen and other gases within the liquid into quantum suspension. These gases cannot evaporate, as they are part of the liquid. This in turn allows the bodies DNA to absorb oxygen at much higher levels than can be found in other liquids.

13. How is it used to lock the chlorinated water?

While chlorine is a wonderful bio-side, it has also been shown to destroy life. Fish and plants cannot live with it and it has been banned from German drinking water for several years. If your supply of water contains chlorine then one can simply stand a bottle of chlorinated water over the pendant or authenticity card. The new molecular structure of the water will remove the smell taste and odor of chlorine. Yet the chlorine is still effective but in this case the fish can live and plants will grow.

14. How does the energy transfer to the water using Quantum Pendant?

The pendant energy resonates into the liquid where it ‘picks up’ the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world. Much research is now focused on this fact as 70% of our bodies are made of water and it is important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water.

courtesy of © 2008-2009 BodyQuantum.com
Thank you for reading!

 In GOD we trust!

Frequently Asked Questions About FE Products Enhanced with Scalar Energy

How Does Scalar Energy Work?
Scalar Energy is a natural force that helps improve the body's own bio-field, enhancing the energy as well as stimulating the body's own ability to function and heal. It is an energy field that is part of the earth and it's core make up and has been in existence since the origins of life. 
Scalar Energy is a protective field force that enhances the body's innate ability against harmful Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) or Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR). 
The field of energy is a combination of 2 reverse hertzian waves, that are circular in nature, moving simultaneousl. This causes the waves to cancel each other out and therefore you have free standing energy or Zero Point Energy. 

 It is this energy that allows the body to repair, recuperate and maintain health, as well as the protection as mentioned earlier.
Each of us is born with the ability to heal and recover from illness. Our bruises heal, cuts mend and common colds are overcome. Your nervous system regulates this inborn healing ability and the amount of energy it distributes through out the body. When the nervous system cannot communicate properly, the body is unable to function at an optimal level.

 Energy is a essential component of the human body and it is energy that is transferred through nerve channels. In China it is called "Chi", in India "Prana". This energy is also what governs food into cells and the absorbtion and elimination that maintains life.

Does everyone respond the same?
No. Each and every person is uniquely designed and may respond differently depending on the energy level of that persons body as well as any underlying issues that may be present. Depending on their issues as well as how long they have experienced these issues, will determine the response time.

Who can use Scalar Energy?
From professional athletes to homemakers, engineers to electricians, young people to seniors, even young children. Energy Medicine or Energy Healing has been the answer to optimum health. Many peomal bople see results with an assortment of problems and feel a sense of wellness, energy and optidy functioning. 

Are there side effects or reactions?
 As with any new product or procedure the body may react at times. Scalar is a circular infinite field of energy that will at times change different aspects of the body.  A person who is introduced to this product may feel an unbelievable increase in energy and focus. They may feel a sense of overall balance and wellness. 

Someone who has many health issues, may react differently, because they have fallen way below homeostasis or balanced health. They may feel worse or may not feel any change. These reactions are all normal and they are an indication that the body is reacting. Not all symptoms are bad. They are neither good, they just illustrate a change within the existing field of the body. So, people may feel, great or they may not have any change at all or they may even feel bad. These reactions are all normal. Time is the healing factor.

Every health procedure, from taking aspirin to giving blood, involves a level of risk. Scalar Energy is among the safest of all health care interventions because they are non-surgical, drug-free and present an extremely low risk. Common things such as emotional stress, poor posture from sitting in front of a computer and being exposed to EMF and EMR or standing at a workstation for a long time may lead to frequency exposure and subluxations.  Scalar Energy is a fantastic adjunct to Chiropractic care.

How long does it take to feel the effects of Scalar Energy?
This all depends on the person and their circumstances or health issues. The main purpose of Scalar Energy is to protect the body from harmful EMF and EMR, that the W.H.O. states are a detriment to world health and the one of the leading causes of neurological based diseases. 

The other health benefits are secondary to the overall protection of the body, but changes may occur immediately or take time depending on the severity of the condition. At times it is necessary to apply more fields on a body that has been far below the homeostasis level for a longer period of time. 

The changes are at the atomic, molecular and cellular level (AMC). Energy is vibration of the components of the atom at the electron and proton levels. No matter what people feel or don't feel, AMC is ocurring and changes are happening at all times.

This product is not a cure or treatment for any health condition and makes no claims as to the reaction of the body when exposed to Scalar Energy. Please consult your health care provider if you have any further questions.

Courtesy of: ifeamerica.com

Thank you for reading!

 In GOD we trust!

Added Information for Healing with Fusion Excel Quantum Products

 1)  For General Health, Body and Backaches wear or place the Product in your pants/shirt pocket  or purse for 24 hours a day and drink lots of energised water. 
2)    For Headaches and Other minor body aches place the product on the affected area for 10 minutes and drink plenty of energised water.        
3)    For minor pain spray energised water on the affected area as required, place the product on the area of pain for 10 minutes.                        
4)    For cuts and open wounds clean the wound with energised water and spray energised water as required on the wound, place the product on the affect area to help in the healing.  
5)  For minor skin proble place the product in a water proof bag and into a pail, fill the pail with water. Let the Pendant energise the water for 30 minutes before using it to wash or shower.
These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.
Thank you for reading!

 In GOD we trust!

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