Friday, December 30, 2011

FusionExcel's Quantum Pendant Safe For Consumer Use (3)

Courtesy of

In GOD we trust!

FusionExcel's Quantum Pendant Safe For Consumer Use (2)

Courtesy of

In GOD we trust!

FusionExcel's Quantum Pendant Safe For Consumer Use (1)

FusionExcel International wishes to assure our members and customers that our Quantum Pendant is safe for consumer use, as tested by the Shanghai Institute of Measuring and Testing Technology (one of the most reputable measurement verification agencies in China, see below).

Link to Analysis Report conducted on FusionExcel International’s Quantum Pendant:

On October 16th 2009, the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) issued a press release urging the public not to wear the "Quantum Pendant", with claims of enhanced radioactivity, based on analysis and testing of 10 pieces of “Quantum Pendant” seized from a supplier. ( Note: Until today, 16th November 2009, we have yet to see the actual test report of the 10 seized "Quantum Pendants".)

The report by the C&ED indicated that the seized “Quantum Pendants” contained radioactive thorium-232 at 7 Bq/gram (7000 Bq/kilogram), and uranium-238 at 1 Bq/gram (1000 Bq/kilogram). The limit recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for both thorium-232 and uranium-238 in commodity products is 1 Bq/gram (or 1000 Bq/kilogram).

We submitted our Quantum Pendants to the reputable Shanghai Institute of Measuring and Testing Technology (SIMT) for analysis and testing. The SIMT report shows that FusionExcel International's Quantum Pendant contains thorium-232 at 16 Bq/kilogram ( compared to 7000 Bq/kilogram on the C&ED report) and no detectable uranium- 238 (compared to 1000 Bq/kilogram on the C&ED report). It shows that FusionExcel International's Quantum Pendant contains the same levels of radioactive substances that exist naturally in all soil ( See below) and well below the limit recommended by the IAEA.

Further independant testings by FusionExcel's Leaders also confirmed Fusionexcel's Quantum Pendant to be safe and well under the radioactive limit recommended by the IAEA.
According to reputable sources:

Background level in soils.

Radioactivity is present everywhere (and has been since the formation of the earth). According to the IAEA, one kilogram of soil typically contains the following amounts of the following four natural radioisotopes:

Potassium-40. 370 Bq/kilogram  (typical range 100-700 Bq/kg)
Radium-226. 25 Bq/kilogram  (typical range 10-50 Bq/kg)
Uranium-238. 25 Bq/kilogram  (typical range 10-50 Bq/kg)
Thorium-232. 25 Bq/kilogram (typical range 7-50 Bq/kg).

These values are average values and some soils may vary greatly from these norms.


Idaho State University:
(under heading “Natural Radioactivity in Soil”)

As indicated above, the levels of thorium-232 detected in FusionExcel International’s Quantum Pendant is well below the average level found naturally in soil, and is well within the normal range.

Fake Pendants

It is FusionExcel International’s belief that the “Quantum Pendants” tested by the Hong Kong C&ED were fakes. As you are aware, there are many suppliers of fake Quantum Pendants in the market today. FusionExcel International cannot be responsible for the content of the fake Quantum Pendants, or their efficacy.

It is also FusionExcel International’s belief that fake "Quantum Pendants" were supplied to the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, in a deliberate attempt to discredit the company. FusionExcel International has grown rapidly over the past 2 years, its Quantum Pendant has helped many thousands around the world gain better health and has improved the performances of many sports athletes. Unfortunately the success of FusionExcel International's Quantum Pendant has also spawned imitations and jealous competitors, some of whom have resorted to unscrupulous acts to discredit the company.

The only way to ensure that you are buying a genuine FusionExcel International's Quantum Pendant is to make sure it comes with our proprietary Welcome Letter, allowing you to register your account on our website

Further Course of Action

FusionExcel International has engaged a leading Hong Kong lawyer to advise us on further course of action with the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department.

The Hong Kong market is important for FusionExcel International and we will be opening our new office in Hong Kong (next to the prestigious Peninsula Hotel, measuring more than 4,000 sq.ft covering the entire 12th floor) within the next few weeks. Renovations are in progress and almost completed.

About Shanghai Institute of Measuring and Testing Technology

Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology (SIMT) is one of the earliest-established professional measurement verification agencies in China; it is also the only nonprofit and comprehensive national legal measurement verification agency authorized by AQSIQ(General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China)in Shanghai. SIMT has a long history of more than 70 years.

SIMT conducts the transmission and traceability of measurement values for more than 600,000 pieces of measuring instruments every year.

Currently, SIMT has established 2 national primary standards and 202 public standards of measurement. 475 items of verification have been authorized by AQSIQ, 709 items of calibration and testing have been approved by CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment).


Courtesy of

In GOD we trust!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Quantum Shield (QS)

Is your mobile Phone killing you slowly?
FusionExcel Quantum Shield WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk - CNN
Cellphones may harm memory, pregnancy, brain cells - 
in rats, mice & rabbits. Maybe. - LATimes
Heavy cell phone use harms memory, research shows - GMA News
Cellphone calls alter brain activity - US study - Retuers
6 tips for minimizing cell phone radiation

Time you got some 
protection for yourself and 
also your loved ones!
Call us now and ask about 
the FusionExcel  Quantum 
Shield for Mobile Phones

Problems faced while using Quantum Products for the first time (What is called “The Healing Crisis” – Cleansing Reaction)

Case:  If you feel uncomfortable when you first wear the product.
      Action: Remove the product until the discomfort is gone, then try again. The discomfort should subside in time.

Case:  If you feel dizzy when you first wear the product.

     Action:  Remove the product until the discomfort is gone. Keep wearing the product drinking lots of energised water. The dizziness will go away and you will feel more refreshed.   
Case:  If you have a sleeping problem you may find it difficult to sleep while wearing the product for the first time.

    Action:  Remove the product and wear it only during the day. Drink lots of energised water. After a week, wear the product to sleep, you will find an improvement of sleep and waking up feeling more energised.

Case:  You may purge, urinate or sweat more while wearing the pendant during the first few days

    Action:  Keep wearing the product but drink lots of energised water. After sometime, the symptom will be replaced with a general health and wellness improvement.

Case:  You may feel more painful on the wound after using the product.

    Action:  Keep wearing the product but drink lots of energised water. Pain will disappear in 1-2 days.


Courtesy of

 In GOD we trust!

Healing with Fusion Excel Quantum Products

)    For General Health, Body and Backaches wear or place the Product in your pants/shirt pocket or purse for 24 hours a day and drink lots of energised water. 
2)    2)  For Headaches and Other minor body aches place the product on the affected area for 10 minutes and drink plenty of energised water.        

3)    For minor pain spray energised water on the affected area as required, place the product on the area of pain for 10 minutes.                        

4)    4) For cuts and open wounds clean the wound with energised water and spray energised water as required on the wound, place the product on the affect area to help in the healing. 

5)    For minor skin proble place the product in a water proof bag and into a pail, fill the pail with water. Let the Pendant energise the water for 30 minutes before using it to wash or shower.

In GOD we trust!

Well Known Australian Brain Cancer Surgeon Warns Of EMR!

Brain cancer surgeon Dr Charlie Teo, from Australia's Channel 7's Last Chance Surgery, says it is better to avoid electromagnetic radiation and to take "prevention better than cure" approach.

Global study: Mobile cancer link
<,28348,26259871-5014239,00.html >

Charlie Teo has urged people to put mobile phones on loudspeaker, move clock radios to the foot of the bed and wait until microwaves have finished beeping before opening them.

The Sydney specialist told a Melbourne fundraiser that although the jury was still out on mobile phones and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, we should not take risks.

"Even though the jury's not in, just to err on the side of safety I would try and limit the amount of electromagnetic radiation that you're exposed to," he said.

"The American government, for example, recommend that all electrical appliances should be put at the foot of the bed and not the head of the bed. Electric blankets should be turned off before you get in bed and definitely wait for those five beeps before you open the microwave. With the mobile phone I encourage you to put it on loudspeaker and step outside rather than sticking it up to your brain."

Dr Teo, who tackles tumours other surgeons deem inoperable, said some hair dyes, particularly red, could also cause brain cancer in people with a predisposition.

"The body needs some genetic predisposition. The hair dye, the mobile phone, they're just catalysts but you probably need some sort of genetic aberration to get the cancer in the first place," he said.

Fast cancers

Dr Teo, who stars in Channel Seven's Last Chance Surgery, was in Melbourne last week for the Blackwood8 fundraiser at Croydon golf club. The group was founded by family and friends of Sally White, a patient of Dr Teo's whose outlook has improved dramatically.

Dr Teo said while breast cancer doubled its cell numbers in weeks or months, the quickest brain cancers took just 16 hours. No age group was immune and the incidence of brain tumours was growing. "It's increasing in frequency both in this country and developing countries and it used to be ranked out of the top 10 but it's just joined the top 10 most common cancers," he said.

Recent studies have raised alarm bells about mobile phones. An unreleased World Health Organisation study reportedly found "a significantly increased risk" of some brain tumours related to use of mobile phones for 10 years or more. A Suleyman Demirel University study in Turkey also found wearing a mobile phone on your belt may lead to decreased bone density in an area of the pelvis commonly used for bone grafts.

Dr Teo said there had been some advancements in treating tumours, like microwave therapy and putting chemotherapy directly into a tumour. A healthy diet, meditation and positive thought could also be beneficial. "We believe that they probably boost the immune system," he said.

Dr Teo's tips to reduce brain tumour risks:

  - Get eight hours sleep a night and eat well to boost your immune system
  - Keep electrical appliances like clock radios at the foot of the bed
  - Turn electric blankets off before retiring
  - Put mobile phones on hands-free
  - Wait until the microwave finishes beeping before opening it

courtesy of

In GOD we trust!

Read Mobile Phone Health Risk in UK Daily Mail

Health risk: Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about the health risks of using their handsets.

A warning that Apple's popular iPhone should be kept at least 15mm away from the body is buried deep inside the manual.

BlackBerry goes even further, saying customers should use their devices hands-free or keep them an inch from the body 'including the abdomen of pregnant women and the lower abdomen of teenagers'. Again, this advice is hidden in the instruction booklet.

All other manufacturers, including Nokia and HTC, carry similar small-print warnings despite insisting that holding mobiles against the ear and head is harmless.

Health campaigners and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are calling for clear warnings to be put on handset boxes.

They are also demanding a public education campaign, starting in schools, to advise on the safe use of the devices.

Alasdair Philips, of Powerwatch, an independent group which investigates the safety of mobile phones, said: 'Most people have no idea about these warnings.
‘'The safety advice should be included on the boxes and far more prominently in the "getting started" section of user guides and not just in the detail at the back that hardly anyone reads.

'This should be only part of a much wider public education campaign that begins in the schools.'

The safety advice in manuals is designed to limit so-called Radio Frequency exposure. This is said to heat body tissue and some – inconclusive – research suggests it is linked to tumors in the brain.


Blackberry torch: Use hands-free operation if it is available and keep at least 0.98in (25mm) from your body when turned on and connected to the wireless network. Reduce call time.

Apple iPhone: When using near your body for voice calls or for wireless network data, keep iPhone at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body and only use accessories that do not have metal parts. Again maintain at least 15mm separation from the body.

Nokia C6: Maintain a normal use position at the ear at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body. Any accessory should not contain metal and should position the device the above-stated distance from the body.

Most Radio Frequency exposure comes from the antenna and it can increase when a phone is kept in a pocket because phones increase their power output when a network signal weakens.

Men who carry handsets on their belt or in their pockets with the keypad facing outward will suffer higher exposure because the antenna, which is always at the back, is close to the body.

SAR – Specific Absorption Rate – is the standard industry measurement for the amount of RF energy the body absorbs.

Mr Philips said: 'When a phone has to power up, it sends high SAR power into the trunk and towards the kidneys and liver. It can be the testicles if in a trouser pocket.

'Some girls carry them in chest bags which hang just below their breasts. Breasts, eyes and testicles absorb external RF energy the most. Blood-rich organs, such as the liver, kidneys and heart are among the top energy absorbers.

'The ovaries and fetus are relatively well protected by the trunk, but it obviously makes sense to keep the handset away from those areas, especially the fetus in the first six months. Many later-life causes of ill health are increasingly being recognized as having their roots in foetal exposure to chemicals, hormones, radiation of various sorts.'

He said most handsets also put out pulsed ELF magnetic fields which travel further into the body than RF signals. These are associated with childhood leukemia and some adult cancers.

Caroline Lucas, Green Party leader and MP, said: ‘Greens have never
Advice: Campaigners say pregnant women should keep their handset away from the foetus in the first 6 months.
said don't use mobile phones, but we have always said that as with any other technology, we need to make people aware of any potential risks and give clear guidance regarding the safest possible use, so we can get the maximum benefit from the technology with the least possible risk.'

Mobile phone firms are legally required to advise customers on how to minimize RF exposure and use their manuals to do so.

Michael Milligan of the Mobile Manufacturers Forum said: ‘A mobile phone can always be used up against the head without the need for this separation, because phones are designed to have the antenna far enough away from the head when making a call.

‘Every mobile phone model is tested to make sure they meet national and international exposure limits for exposure to Radio Frequency emissions, before they can be sold in the UK or elsewhere.’

However, many new phones are so slim, antennas will be closer to the head than distances recommended by many manufacturers.


My brother, at the age of 42, died of glioblastoma multi grade level 4, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. His doctors said that they thought it probably occurred because of his heavy use of a mobile phone, up to 4 hours a day and for 10 years. At the time, he didn't have a speaker phone, but also didn't believe use of the mobile phone close to his head could cause disease. He travelled a lot for work and needed it to keep in contact with clients, and he paid for this with his life.
- EiLing, Sydney, 10th October 2010 01:41

Oooo, I do get angry with so many assumptions about what it is a school's job to do. Alasdair Philips, of Powerwatch, says, with regard to the dangers from mobile phones, "This should be only part of a much wider public education campaign that begins in the schools." What nonsense. It begins in the home. It actually has nothing at all to do with the school, and when I was a Head I didn't allow mobile phones at all below the Sixth Form, unless a parent could show a very compelling reason why a mobile was needed by their child and would sign a disclaimer about any future health problems that might result from using a mobile phone.
- James Wheeldon, Grange, UK, 10th October 2010 00:21

I don't care what anyone says, I can FEEL the radiation given off by the more powerful phones - Blackberries seem to be the worst, followed by the Nokia models. When somebody near me on the train starts using a Blackberry I experience a stabbing pain in the side of my head - so much so that I sometimes have to go and sit elsewhere. People think I'm potty, but I am clearly hypersensitive to this type of radiation. Wi-fi-enabled laptops affect me in the same way.
- Rich, Rayleigh, Essex, 10th October 2010 00:08

When you think of all the electrical waves in your house from phones, laptops, television and microwaves it's amazing we are not all walking around half cooked. Glad I don't work in curries or even a mobile phone shop.
- Samantha, London, 09th October 2010 22:10

Just about every 'celebrity' these days is photographed clutching a mobile phone, like it's some sort of talisman. The other hand usually cradles a large plastic cup of coffee or a bottle of water...Can't these people walk 100 yards down the street any more without making themselves look totally dependent?
- Jillie, Ipswich England, 09th October 2010 21:43

When I first started using cell phones my brother, who is a staunch environmentalist, told me that mobile phones emitted unsafe levels of radiation. Well, I laughed and told him he was crazy.

Who is laughing now?
We are surrounded by devices that emit radiation. Are we safe?
Do we want to be safe?
Today going Green is all we hear. Save the plant! Find alternative energy!
Well do you know that one of the biggest polluters is China?

Large quantities of goods that fail to perform as designed are dumped on Third World countries. Visiting stores in these countries expose defected merchandise that waste our planet resources. Where are the standards in developing countries that we expect in developed countries?

They are not enforced!!
We are being ripped off under the guise of going Green, while large manufacturing concerns in Asian countries continue to dwindle our precious resources.
- Kahlil, Georgetown Guyana, 09th October 2010 20:47

Hidden health risk in mobiles: Phone giants accused of burying warnings in small print.

Health risk: Mobile phone firms have been accused of concealing warnings about the health risks of using their handsets.

A warning that Apple's popular iPhone should be kept at least 15mm away from the body is buried deep inside the manual.

BlackBerry goes even further, saying customers should use their devices hands-free or keep them an inch from the body 'including the abdomen of pregnant women and the lower abdomen of teenagers'. Again, this advice is hidden in the instruction booklet.

All other manufacturers, including Nokia and HTC, carry similar small-print warnings despite insisting that holding mobiles against the ear and head is harmless.

Health campaigners and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are calling for clear warnings to be put on handset boxes.

They are also demanding a public education campaign, starting in schools, to advise on the safe use of the devices.

Alasdair Philips, of Powerwatch, an independent group which investigates the safety of mobile phones, said: 'Most people have no idea about these warnings.
‘'The safety advice should be included on the boxes and far more prominently in the "getting started" section of user guides and not just in the detail at the back that hardly anyone reads.

'This should be only part of a much wider public education campaign that begins in the schools.'

The safety advice in manuals is designed to limit so-called Radio Frequency exposure. This is said to heat body tissue and some – inconclusive – research suggests it is linked to tumors in the brain.


Blackberry torch: Use hands-free operation if it is available and keep at least 0.98in (25mm) from your body when turned on and connected to the wireless network. Reduce call time.

Apple iPhone: When using near your body for voice calls or for wireless network data, keep iPhone at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body and only use accessories that do not have metal parts. Again maintain at least 15mm separation from the body.

Nokia C6: Maintain a normal use position at the ear at least 15mm (5/8in) away from the body. Any accessory should not contain metal and should position the device the above-stated distance from the body.

Most Radio Frequency exposure comes from the antenna and it can increase when a phone is kept in a pocket because phones increase their power output when a network signal weakens.

Men who carry handsets on their belt or in their pockets with the keypad facing outward will suffer higher exposure because the antenna, which is always at the back, is close to the body.

SAR – Specific Absorption Rate – is the standard industry measurement for the amount of RF energy the body absorbs.

Mr Philips said: 'When a phone has to power up, it sends high SAR power into the trunk and towards the kidneys and liver. It can be the testicles if in a trouser pocket.

'Some girls carry them in chest bags which hang just below their breasts. Breasts, eyes and testicles absorb external RF energy the most. Blood-rich organs, such as the liver, kidneys and heart are among the top energy absorbers.

'The ovaries and fetus are relatively well protected by the trunk, but it obviously makes sense to keep the handset away from those areas, especially the fetus in the first six months. Many later-life causes of ill health are increasingly being recognized as having their roots in foetal exposure to chemicals, hormones, radiation of various sorts.'

He said most handsets also put out pulsed ELF magnetic fields which travel further into the body than RF signals. These are associated with childhood leukemia and some adult cancers.

Caroline Lucas, Green Party leader and MP, said: ‘Greens have never
Advice: Campaigners say pregnant women should keep their handset away from the foetus in the first 6 months.
said don't use mobile phones, but we have always said that as with any other technology, we need to make people aware of any potential risks and give clear guidance regarding the safest possible use, so we can get the maximum benefit from the technology with the least possible risk.'

Mobile phone firms are legally required to advise customers on how to minimize RF exposure and use their manuals to do so.

Michael Milligan of the Mobile Manufacturers Forum said: ‘A mobile phone can always be used up against the head without the need for this separation, because phones are designed to have the antenna far enough away from the head when making a call.

‘Every mobile phone model is tested to make sure they meet national and international exposure limits for exposure to Radio Frequency emissions, before they can be sold in the UK or elsewhere.’

However, many new phones are so slim, antennas will be closer to the head than distances recommended by many manufacturers.


My brother, at the age of 42, died of glioblastoma multi grade level 4, the most aggressive form of brain cancer. His doctors said that they thought it probably occurred because of his heavy use of a mobile phone, up to 4 hours a day and for 10 years. At the time, he didn't have a speaker phone, but also didn't believe use of the mobile phone close to his head could cause disease. He travelled a lot for work and needed it to keep in contact with clients, and he paid for this with his life.
- EiLing, Sydney, 10th October 2010 01:41

Oooo, I do get angry with so many assumptions about what it is a school's job to do. Alasdair Philips, of Powerwatch, says, with regard to the dangers from mobile phones, "This should be only part of a much wider public education campaign that begins in the schools." What nonsense. It begins in the home. It actually has nothing at all to do with the school, and when I was a Head I didn't allow mobile phones at all below the Sixth Form, unless a parent could show a very compelling reason why a mobile was needed by their child and would sign a disclaimer about any future health problems that might result from using a mobile phone.
- James Wheeldon, Grange, UK, 10th October 2010 00:21

I don't care what anyone says, I can FEEL the radiation given off by the more powerful phones - Blackberries seem to be the worst, followed by the Nokia models. When somebody near me on the train starts using a Blackberry I experience a stabbing pain in the side of my head - so much so that I sometimes have to go and sit elsewhere. People think I'm potty, but I am clearly hypersensitive to this type of radiation. Wi-fi-enabled laptops affect me in the same way.
- Rich, Rayleigh, Essex, 10th October 2010 00:08

When you think of all the electrical waves in your house from phones, laptops, television and microwaves it's amazing we are not all walking around half cooked. Glad I don't work in curries or even a mobile phone shop.
- Samantha, London, 09th October 2010 22:10

Just about every 'celebrity' these days is photographed clutching a mobile phone, like it's some sort of talisman. The other hand usually cradles a large plastic cup of coffee or a bottle of water...Can't these people walk 100 yards down the street any more without making themselves look totally dependent?
- Jillie, Ipswich England, 09th October 2010 21:43

When I first started using cell phones my brother, who is a staunch environmentalist, told me that mobile phones emitted unsafe levels of radiation. Well, I laughed and told him he was crazy.

Who is laughing now?
We are surrounded by devices that emit radiation. Are we safe?
Do we want to be safe?
Today going Green is all we hear. Save the plant! Find alternative energy!
Well do you know that one of the biggest polluters is China?

Large quantities of goods that fail to perform as designed are dumped on Third World countries. Visiting stores in these countries expose defected merchandise that waste our planet resources. Where are the standards in developing countries that we expect in developed countries?

They are not enforced!!
We are being ripped off under the guise of going Green, while large manufacturing concerns in Asian countries continue to dwindle our precious resources.
- Kahlil, Georgetown Guyana, 09th October 2010 20:47

In GOD we trust!

FusionExcel Quantum Shield Diffuses Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation (EMF/EMR)!

FusionExcel Product Consultant Master Yap conducted the Live Polycontrast
Interference Photography (PIP) sessions on volunteers using mobile phones without
FE's Quantum Shield and with FE's Quantum Shield on the same mobile  phone.

The PIP photos from the Live PIP session shows that when the mobile phone was
in use (ringing) without the Quantum Shield, there were strong radiation effects
shown as reddish portions on the forehead and eye areas of the volunteers.

However, with the same mobile phone in use (ringing) WITH FE's Quantum Shield attached, it can be seen clearly that the radiation effects (the reddish portions) on
the forehead and eye areas of the volunteers were reduced significantly!

FE's Quantum Shield was able to STRENGTHEN the biofield of the human body.
This strengthening of the body's biofield protects the user and reduces the harmful
effects from the Electro Magnetic Radiation and Electro Magnetic Frequencies
emitted by mobile phones.

For photos of the PIP session, please visit the following link

video courtesy of fusionexcel3's channel on

In GOD we trust!


FE Quantum Shield demos on Popular TV Comedy Artiste Phua Chu Kang!

Watch Presidential Directors KC Phoon, Arthur Medina & Willy Toh performing FE Quantum Shield demos on FE latest endorser Phua Chu Kang (popular TV series comedian artiste from Singapore which recently starred in the film "Phua Chu Kang" the movie) at the Malaysia's Achievers Recognition Dinner 2nd October 2010.

PD KC Phoon did the demo using Microwave Oven whilst PD Arthur Medina used the hair dryer & PD Willy Toh the mobile phone. These are thecommon devices which we use everyday. All the three PDs demonstrated to Phua Chu Kang that FE Quantum Shield was able to increase his body's bio-field thus minimizing the weakening effects of the Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) generated when using those electrical & electronic devices.

Please click below for more pics at the dinner event

Watch video on "Larry King's Interview re Cellular Phone & Cancer" at the the following link

Watch video on " Dr George Carlo interview re EMF Cellular Phone Danger " at the the following link

For more info on FusionExcel Quantum Shield, pls visit the following link

For more info on Dangers of EMF & EMR, pls visit the following links

For more info on Phua Chu Kang, pls visit the following link

video courtesy of fusionexcel3's channel,

In GOD we trust!


FusionExcel International's Quantum Shield Demos

FusionExcel recently launch another amazing product the Quantum Shield which is expected to take the market by storm.

In this video, Presidential Director KC Phoon demonstrated how the effects of
EMF & EMR generated by electrical & electronic devices such as Hair Dryer,
Microwave Oven & Cellular Phone is able to weaken the individual body's
bio-field that has been exposed to it.

However after sticking FusionExcel's new Quantum Shield on the electrical &
electronic devices, the Scalar Energy from the Quantum Shield is able to increase
the individual's body bio-field thus "shielding" off & minimizing the bad effects of
the EMF & EMR generated by those devices & protecting the user from the dangers posted by them.

video courtesy of fusionexcel3's channel,

In GOD we trust!


Larry King Cell Phones & Cancer

In GOD we trust!

FE Live PIP Session With Quantum Shield At Headquarter!

Research has shown prolonged and repeated exposure to aggressive 
Electromagneti Frequencies (EMF) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) 
causes a measurable stress response and negative shifts in the body's key 
energetic systems such as the bio electric field. It also triggers a series of 
troubling biochemical responses. Studies have linked electro pollution to 
health concerns like fatigue and hyper-tension, as well as potentially much 
more dangerous conditions.

The Scalar Energy from the Quantum Shield will strengthen the body's biofield 

preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one's health. Quantum Shield is 
the ultimate first-line defense against electro pollution, FusionExcel's Quantum Shield 
can be used on any appliance or device emitting electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) 
or electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as mobile phones, home phones, cars, 
microwaves, computers, game consoles, home appliances, etc. If it plugs and plays 
 on DC or AC currents, protect it with Quantum Shield.
  FusionExcel Live PIP Session with Quantum Shield  
The Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP) photos shows that when a 
mobile phone was in use (ringing) without the Quantum Shield, there are strong 
radiation effects shown as reddish portions on the forehead and eye areas of 
the volunteers.

However, with the same mobile phone in use (ringing) with 
FusionExcel's Quantum Shield attached, it can be seen clearly that the 
radiation effects (the reddish portions) on the forehead and eye areas 
of the volunteers were reduced significantly!

FE's Quantum Shield is able to strengthen the bio-field of the human body, 
protecting the user and reduces the harmful effects from the Electro Magnetic 
Radiation (EMR) and Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) emitted by 
mobile phones.

In GOD we trust!


PIP Photos of Quantum Shield by Master Yap

Protects healthy cells against harmful invisible EMF or EMR damage.

FusionExcel Scalar Energy Technology (SET) is leading the way in Energy Medicine innovations with the introduction of its new Quantum Shield. This revolutionary Quantum Shield offers the most advanced technology to address stress where you live, work and play. Its universal application means the same Quantum Shield can be applied on all your electronic tech-gadgets (wired or wireless), household appliances, etc. – all of which emit various levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

Research has shown prolonged and repeated exposure to aggressive EMF and EMR causes a measurable stress response and negative shifts in the body's key energetic systems such as the bio electric field. It also triggers a series of troubling biochemical responses. Studies have linked electro pollution to health concerns like fatigue and hyper-tension, as well as potentially much more dangerous conditions.

The Scalar Energy from the Quantum Shield will strengthen the body's biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one's health. Quantum Shield is the ultimate first-line defense against electro pollution, FusionExcel's Quantum Shield can be used on any appliance or device emitting electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as mobile phones, home phones, cars, microwaves, computers, game consoles, home appliances, etc. If it plugs and plays on DC or AC currents, protect it with Quantum Shield. 

 In GOD we trust!

SE Product-Quantum Shield (QS)

Protects healthy cells against harmful invisible EMF or EMR damage.

FusionExcel Scalar Energy Technology (SET) is leading the way in Energy Medicine innovations with the introduction of its new Quantum Shield (Pack of 6's). This revolutionary Quantum Shield offers the most advanced technology to address stress where you live, work and play. Its universal application means the same Quantum Shield can be applied on all your electronic tech-gadgets (wired or wireless), household appliances, etc. – all of which emit various levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

Research has shown prolonged and repeated exposure to aggressive EMF and EMR causes a measurable stress response and negative shifts in the body's key energetic systems such as the bio electric field. It also triggers a series of troubling biochemical responses. Studies have linked electro pollution to health concerns like fatigue and hyper-tension, as well as potentially much more dangerous conditions.

The Scalar Energy from the Quantum Shield will strengthen the body's biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one's health. Quantum Shield is the ultimate first-line defense against electro pollution, FusionExcel's Quantum Shield can be used on any appliance or device emitting electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as mobile phones, home phones, cars, microwaves, computers, game consoles, home appliances, etc. If it plugs and plays on DC or AC currents, protect it with Quantum Shield.

Some appliances may need only 1 Quantum Shield, others may need 2, 3 or more depending on the nature of the device. Here are some usage guidelines: 

In GOD we trust!

Monday, December 26, 2011

FE on on TV-Swak na Swak

 A Testimonial:

I was diagnosed with Stage 2-B Breast Cancer and underwent a series of Chemotheraphy and Radiation in 2007-2008. The entire procedure left me feeling so weak that mere walking was a difficulty. I have had to drag my feet. I was having chest pains, labored breaths and muscle stiffness as well. But the worst reaction I had with the treatment was itchiness all over my body, like I was being attacked by an army of ants. I tried all possible relievers- both over the counter medications and herbal remedies but they didn't help at all.

Then, the FusionExcel Quantum Pendant was introduced to me and after just about 10 minutes of wearing it, the itchiness was totally gone including my chest pains and muscle stiffness.

Now my energy level has increased so dramatically that climbing upstairs to my clinic and attending to patients, is a lot easier than before. Because of the Quantum Pendant, my physical, personal and professional life improved significantly. I really encourage you to try using it as well.

Dr. Winona B. Amante
Orthodontist, Butuan City, Philippines

 In GOD we trust!

Frequently Asked Questions About Fusion Excel Products

II. Fusion Excel FAQ

1. How is the Quantum Pendant going to help me?

You will feel more energetic, more focused, be less prone to suffer from headaches and can better cope with stress. Any aches and pains should gradually disappear.

2. Should I wear the Quantum Pendant all the time?

Yes, except when taking a bath. As for wearing during sleep, some find difficulty in sleeping while others can sleep more soundly.

3. How soon will I have to wait before experiencing any effects?

Some respond within a few hours while others may require up to 1 week to register its effects. If there is still no effect after 1 week, removing it for a week is sometimes the best way to monitor how it has been of benefit.

4. Will it ever run out?

No, it will last a lifetime. It also does not require any maintenance.

5. Are there any side-effects to wearing Quantum Pendant?

It is not magnetic, not electrical and not radioactive.

A few wearers have experienced a strange or uncomfortable feeling during the first few days and may be symptomatic of the body adjusting to the effects of the pendant.

If the discomfort continues, wear it for a few hours a day at first and gradually increase the wearing time.

6. What can I do if wearing the Quantum Pendant did not help to reduce the pain of the affected part?

You can try rubbing the Quantum Pendant directly over the painful area.

7. Why do some people experience an initial worsening of the pain on wearing Quantum Pendant?

This is known as the ‘Healing Crisis or Healing Process’ which may occur prior to resolution of the symptoms.

8. How do I energize the water?

By placing Quantum Pendant underneath a glass or a bottle of water for at least 15 minutes.

9. What are the benefits of drinking energized water?

It is the same as the benefits of wearing the Quantum Pendant and the effects last 4-24 hours depending on the individual’s energy level. The water has a fresher and more pleasant taste. Some have applied the energized water to the skin for chronic skin diseases. Others have used it on their hair to promote hair growth.

10. What is the difference between alkaline water and energized Quantum Pendant water?

Many have mistakenly believed that making the body less acidic via alkaline water is healthy! This can cause pH imbalance, bone problems and organ damage if not careful. Safest way is fruits and vegetables and your body balances the pH itself through natural processing of these healthy foods. Drinking water is safer when neutral pH, as it is in its natural state. For more information, read Harvey Diamond’s “Fit for Life” book. Quantum Pendant does not tamper with the natural safe pH of energized healing water. If nature wanted us to drink alkaline water, then water would be alkaline. Keep in mind that water is of neutral pH.

11. Where is the proof of these benefits?

If you look for the proof of ‘chi’ energy it’s all around you. Looking for proof of quantum physics is in the results not the cause and effects. Rather like the great religions of the world one either believes or does not. Look at the tests and observe and taste the differences.

12. How does it prevent jet lags?

Wetter liquids – more ability for the body organs to absorb water, increased ‘hydration’ locked within the natural molecular structure are thousands of molecular clusters. The body organs can hydrate and absorb the liquid more easily. In addition, the surface tension of the water has been removed (bio film) which adds to the hydration effect. Increased oxygen potential – Increasing oxygen in the blood cells increases energy levels. The natural molecular structure locks in the oxygen and other gases within the liquid into quantum suspension. These gases cannot evaporate, as they are part of the liquid. This in turn allows the bodies DNA to absorb oxygen at much higher levels than can be found in other liquids.

13. How is it used to lock the chlorinated water?

While chlorine is a wonderful bio-side, it has also been shown to destroy life. Fish and plants cannot live with it and it has been banned from German drinking water for several years. If your supply of water contains chlorine then one can simply stand a bottle of chlorinated water over the pendant or authenticity card. The new molecular structure of the water will remove the smell taste and odor of chlorine. Yet the chlorine is still effective but in this case the fish can live and plants will grow.

14. How does the energy transfer to the water using Quantum Pendant?

The pendant energy resonates into the liquid where it ‘picks up’ the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world. Much research is now focused on this fact as 70% of our bodies are made of water and it is important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water.

Courtesy of:
© 2008-2009

 In GOD we trust!

John Lee

Hello! My name is John Lee.  I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada.  Two months ago. right
around April the 3rd, I was diagnosed as a diabetic.  My doctor mentioned to me that
if I had came a day or two later, that I probably would've had a stroke, a heart attack...
and even maybe have went into a coma.

He told me that my sugar level was over 500, which was critical.  My doctor immediately
shot me in the abdomen with 300cc of insulin... and he told me that each day I would be
needing to do that myself..  Can you imagine having to shoot myself in the absomen for the rest of my life with the syringe?  

My wife introduce me one day... to a pendant... This Fusion Excel Quantum Pendant.  One particular day we were on an outing... and I forgot to bring my insulin along with me.  So I worried all day long about how well my blood level was... my blood sugar level.

After the day had ended and I got back home... I found... that my blood sugar was normal.   And I'm thinking how can this be?  And I didn't shoot any insulin at all this morning. So, how could my blood sugar level be normal?  But I had no idea, I was not thinking of the pendant that I was wearing beneath my shirt that day. 

But then, I begana to think about it after I got home and checked it. And I said to myself... maybe I'm just not... I'll see how my blood sugar level goes tomorrow...  
I won't shoot up any this evening.  And the next day my bllod sugar level was also normal, and praise God!

I can truly say that I have not use my insulin for weeks!  And my blood sugar level has been normal.  My health is... it's just perfect!  For a person, I'm 66 years old and I feel
like a young man now!  I am a living testimony... that Fusion Excel Quantum Pendant has
made a difference in my life and my health.  God knows whether I would have been able to stand here today... and give this testimony had it not been for the Fusion Excel 
Quantum Pendant.

Thank you to johnmichaelbantug22's channel on for sharing this video.


Every Quantum Pendant has the following values:

Wellness Value

Intrinsic Value

FusionExcel’s Quantum Pendant is made from natural minerals that are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level. It produces scalar energy that helps to enhance the body’s biofield. The Quantum Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being.


Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s bio-electric field. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many  physiological functions of the cells in the body.

Scalar Energy:
For a more comprehensive understanding of scalar energy, please refer to the book "Optimum Energy for Peak Performance with Scalar Energy", written by Dr. Siva Poobalasingam MD and Nisha Lakshmanan MA (published by FusionExcel International).

These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

Avail Now! PROMO PRICES only while supplies last. Cost Price is inclusive or tax. Free Delivery. Business Registration to become a Distributor is not included, otherwise you will pay for the regular cost price of US$230 each Quantum Pendant+ Shipping and handling 
 Note: Prices are subject to change without prior notice.  
    Option 1: 1 Quantum Pendant    @ US$ 150.00
    Option 2: 2 Quantum Pendants   @ US$ 260.00 (@130 each)
    Option 3: 3 Quantum Pendants   @ US$ 330.00 (@110 each)

Quantum Pendants