Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Studies Cite Cell Phone Radiation's Adverse Effects on Sperm

Keep your cell phone out of your pants pocket, guys, at least if it's on. According to an Italian report published in the Journal of Andrology (.PDF), a number of studies they examuined showed that the radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) emitted by cell phones may decrease sperm count, sperm quality, and also sperm motility.

It's not the first such report asserting that cell phone radiation can have an effect on fertility. Studies in 2006 and 2008 both pointed toward decreased male fertility due to cell phone radiation.

In fact, this new study, by researchers at the University of Catania, Catania, Italy, really aggregates a number of earlier studies, including the above, so it's really not new. It still raises questions about how men should use and carry their cell phones, and over the still unanswered question of whether or not cell phone use is completely safe.

Studies examined sperm exposed to RF-EMR on their own, animal studies, and samples from men who carried cell phones. Results showed that sperm exposed to RF-EMR showed decreased concentrations; reduced motility; modified morphology; and decreased viability. Additionally, male subjects who carried their phones in their pockets had a lower concentration of sperm.

One animal study showed a 25 percent drop in the percentage of live sperm in rates explosed to cell phone emissions for six hours a day for a four month period. The sperm also had the tendency to clump, which would reduce their chance of fertilizing an egg. The phones were located just 0.2 inch beneath their cage bottoms.

John Walls, the vice president for public affairs at the CTIA, the wireless industry's lobbying arm, said the following, "Since we are not a scientific organization, with respect to the matter of health effects associated with wireless base stations and the use of wireless devices, CTIA and the wireless industry have always been guided by science, and the views of impartial health organizations. The peer-reviewed scientific evidence has overwhelmingly indicated that wireless devices, within the limits established by the FCC, do not pose a public health risk or cause any adverse health effects."

Of course, we would be remiss to not add that the CTIA has a vested interest in seeing cell phone sales not hampered in any way. It should be noted that earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) categorized cell phone radiation as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."

courtesy of http://www.tech-ex.net/search/label/Cell%20Phone%20Radiation

In GOD we trust!

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