Friday, January 18, 2013

WHO: Cell Phone Use Can Increase Possible Cancer Risk

(CNN) -- Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.

Before its announcement Tuesday, WHO had assured consumers that no adverse health effects had been established.

A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."

What that means is they found some evidence of increase in glioma and acoustic neuroma brain cancer for mobile phone users, but have not been able to draw conclusions for other types of cancers.

"The biggest problem we have is that we know most environmental factors take several decades of exposure before we really see the consequences," said Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

The type of radiation coming out of a cell phone is called non-ionizing. It is not like an X-ray, but more like a very low-powered microwave oven.

"What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain," Black said. "So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones."

Wireless industry responded to Tuesday's announcement saying it "does not mean cell phones cause cancer." CTIA-The Wireless Association added that WHO researchers "did not conduct any new research, but rather reviewed published studies."

The European Environmental Agency has pushed for more studies, saying cell phones could be as big a public health risk as smoking, asbestos and leaded gasoline. The head of a prominent cancer-research institute at the University of Pittsburgh sent a memo to all employees urging them to limit cell phone use because of a possible risk of cancer.

"When you look at cancer development -- particularly brain cancer -- it takes a long time to develop. I think it is a good idea to give the public some sort of warning that long-term exposure to radiation from your cell phone could possibly cause cancer," said Dr. Henry Lai, research professor in bioengineering at University of Washington who has studied radiation for more than 30 years.

Results from the largest international study on cell phones and cancer was released in 2010. It showed participants in the study who used a cell phone for 10 years or more had doubled the rate of brain glioma, a type of tumor. To date, there have been no long-term studies on the effects of cell phone usage among children.

"Children's skulls and scalps are thinner. So the radiation can penetrate deeper into the brain of children and young adults. Their cells are at a dividing faster rate, so the impact of radiation can be much larger." said Black of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

In February, a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, revealed radiation emitted after just 50 minutes on a mobile phone increases the activity in brain cells. The effects of brain activity being artificially stimulated are still unknown.

Neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta says Tuesday's announcement, "dealt a blow to those who have long said, 'There is no possible mechanism for cell phones to cause cancer.' By classifying cell phones as a possible carcinogen, they also seem to be tacitly admitting a mechanism could exist."

Manufacturers of many popular cell phones already warn consumers to keep their device away from their body and medical experts say there other ways to minimize cell phone radiation.

The Apple iPhone 4 safety manual says users' radiation exposure should not exceed FCC guidelines: "When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 millimeters (5/8 inch) away from the body."

BlackBerry Bold advises users to "keep the BlackBerry device at least 0.98 inch (25 millimeters) from your body when the BlackBerry device is transmitting."

The logic behind such recommendations is that the further the phone is from the body, the less radiation is absorbed. Users can also use the speakerphone function or a wired earpiece to gain some distance.

Users can text instead of talk if they want to keep the phone away from their faces.

Finally, cell phones emit the most radiation when they are attempting to connect to cellular towers. A moving phone, or a phone in an area with a weak signal, has to work harder, giving of more radiation. So users can avoid using their cell phones in elevators, buildings and rural areas if they want to reduce their exposure, experts say.

Courtesy of:
By Danielle Dellorto, CNN
May 31, 2011 -- Updated 1749 GMT (0149 HKT)

In GOD we trust!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quantum Bracelet

PVs 100

 FusionExcel’s Quantum Bracelet produces scalar energy that helps to enhance the body’s biofield. The Quantum Bracelet promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this bracelet helps one to maintain health and well-being.


Wear it on your wrist or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the bracelet works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s bio-electric field. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the bod

 Scalar Energy:
For a more comprehensive understanding of scalar energy, please refer to the book "Optimum Energy for Peak Performance with Scalar Energy", written by Dr. Siva Poobalasingam MD and Nisha Lakshmanan MA (published by FusionExcel International).

These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

In GOD we trust!

Quantum Flask

PVs 100

Enhanced With Scalar Energy:

FusionExcel’s Quantum Flasks is a Stainless Steel Flask enhanced with Scalar Energy. R & D studies shows that energy from the Quantum Flask is capable of restructuring water molecules into smaller clusters. The smaller clusters of water enhance the bio-availability of water in the body thus promoting the various physiological functions in the body complex.

Properties Of Energized Water:

Water energized by this flask carries subtle energy vibrations that enhance the body’s biofield. This is essential for one’s health and wellness.

This type of water has smaller water clusters and this makes water more bio-available. Hence the absorption of nutrients and detoxification at the most basic level is facilitated and enables water to carry its myriad of functions effectively.


Simply fill up the Quantum Flask with normal drinking water. After a few minutes the water will be energized and is ready for consumption. Water from the Quantum Flask can also be used to wash open wounds and infected parts of the skin. Water used in this manner helps to relieve pain and hastens the healing process.

Scalar Energy:
For a more comprehensive understanding of scalar energy, please refer to the book "Optimum Energy for Peak Performance with Scalar Energy", written by Dr. Siva Poobalasingam MD and Nisha Lakshmanan MA (published by FusionExcel International)

These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

In GOD we trust!

WHO: Cell Phone Use Can Increase Possible Cancer Risk

(CNN) -- Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.

Before its announcement Tuesday, WHO had assured consumers that no adverse health effects had been established.

A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."

What that means is they found some evidence of increase in glioma and acoustic neuroma brain cancer for mobile phone users, but have not been able to draw conclusions for other types of cancers.

"The biggest problem we have is that we know most environmental factors take several decades of exposure before we really see the consequences," said Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

The type of radiation coming out of a cell phone is called non-ionizing. It is not like an X-ray, but more like a very low-powered microwave oven.

"What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain," Black said. "So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones."

Wireless industry responded to Tuesday's announcement saying it "does not mean cell phones cause cancer." CTIA-The Wireless Association added that WHO researchers "did not conduct any new research, but rather reviewed published studies."

The European Environmental Agency has pushed for more studies, saying cell phones could be as big a public health risk as smoking, asbestos and leaded gasoline. The head of a prominent cancer-research institute at the University of Pittsburgh sent a memo to all employees urging them to limit cell phone use because of a possible risk of cancer.

"When you look at cancer development -- particularly brain cancer -- it takes a long time to develop. I think it is a good idea to give the public some sort of warning that long-term exposure to radiation from your cell phone could possibly cause cancer," said Dr. Henry Lai, research professor in bioengineering at University of Washington who has studied radiation for more than 30 years.

Results from the largest international study on cell phones and cancer was released in 2010. It showed participants in the study who used a cell phone for 10 years or more had doubled the rate of brain glioma, a type of tumor. To date, there have been no long-term studies on the effects of cell phone usage among children.

"Children's skulls and scalps are thinner. So the radiation can penetrate deeper into the brain of children and young adults. Their cells are at a dividing faster rate, so the impact of radiation can be much larger." said Black of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

In February, a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, revealed radiation emitted after just 50 minutes on a mobile phone increases the activity in brain cells. The effects of brain activity being artificially stimulated are still unknown.

Neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta says Tuesday's announcement, "dealt a blow to those who have long said, 'There is no possible mechanism for cell phones to cause cancer.' By classifying cell phones as a possible carcinogen, they also seem to be tacitly admitting a mechanism could exist."

Manufacturers of many popular cell phones already warn consumers to keep their device away from their body and medical experts say there other ways to minimize cell phone radiation.

The Apple iPhone 4 safety manual says users' radiation exposure should not exceed FCC guidelines: "When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 millimeters (5/8 inch) away from the body."

BlackBerry Bold advises users to "keep the BlackBerry device at least 0.98 inch (25 millimeters) from your body when the BlackBerry device is transmitting."

The logic behind such recommendations is that the further the phone is from the body, the less radiation is absorbed. Users can also use the speakerphone function or a wired earpiece to gain some distance.

Users can text instead of talk if they want to keep the phone away from their faces.

Finally, cell phones emit the most radiation when they are attempting to connect to cellular towers. A moving phone, or a phone in an area with a weak signal, has to work harder, giving of more radiation. So users can avoid using their cell phones in elevators, buildings and rural areas if they want to reduce their exposure, experts say.

Courtesy of:
By Danielle Dellorto, CNN
May 31, 2011 -- Updated 1749 GMT (0149 HKT)

In GOD we trust!

Could Your Cell Phone Be Dangerous?

Industry says radiation from cell phones can't harm you. But some scientists, including one cancer surgeon, think people should keep them at a distance.

An Orange County woman walked into a breast cancer clinic with a tumor roughly the shape of her cell phone. She routinely carried the phone in her bra to improve her Bluetooth connection. The tumor was unusual, but her surgeon didn't think much of it.
The amount of radiation a person absorbs from a cell phone depends on how far it's held from the body.
Then another woman came in with the same story. 

"Wouldn't you know it, a month later we have another lady come in," said Dr. John West, surgeon at the Breast Care and Imaging Center in Orange. "She has the same history. The cancer was located just directly under where she put her cell phone."

More than half the world's population has a cell phone. As people spend more hours talking, texting and carrying cell phones against their skin, some scientists and public officials are beginning to worry about the long-term effects of cell phone microwave radiation.

San Francisco passed controversial legislation in June requiring cell phone companies to disclose the amount of radiation their phones emit. The cell-phone industry trade group, CTIA-The Wireless Association, sued.

State Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, also introduced a bill in February requiring manufacturers to disclose their cell phone radiation levels online. His bill is pending.
But most scientists and government organizations — including the Federal Communications Commission, which sets the limits for cell phone emissions — say there is little or no risk.

Current science says that unlike X-rays or ultraviolet rays, microwaves do not have enough energy to knock electrons off atoms and directly damage DNA. The only known way scientists say microwaves can harm humans is by overheating a person's tissue.

The upper limit that a person's whole body is allowed to receive from a cell phone is .08 watts per kilogram — around 50 times less then the amount scientists say has damaging effects on animals. However, for localized spots on the body, people can be exposed to 20 times more than the whole body limit, 1.6 watts per kilogram.

The amount of radiation a person absorbs depends on how far they hold a cell phone from their body. Holding a cell phone one-fourth of an inch farther away from the head will reduce absorbed radiation by about 16 times.

Ron Petersen is the executive secretary of the technical professionals committee that developed cell-phone measurement and safety standards, which were adopted in part by the FCC. Petersen said he has witnessed the long history of public concern over emerging electronic technologies.

People once thought desktop monitors could cause spontaneous abortion in long distance telephone operators who used them, he said.

Then the National Institute of Occupational Science and Health did a study showing the increase in spontaneous abortion among operators was because of stress, not computers, Petersen said.

"When people talk about microwave radiation and radiation, it's scary to a lot of people," Petersen said. "And it should be, because they have heard nothing but bad news about it. But after 30 years of following all of this and knowing most of the researchers who are respected and doing the work in the field, I am certainly convinced that there is no issue there."

The standards do not consider the possible long-term consequences from cell phone radiation. The rationale is that no matter what the length of exposure, if cell phone radiation can't cook flesh, it can't cause harm.

Most studies on long-term effects also have found no increased risk of brain tumors with extended cell phone use. But a few studies have found connections, and some scientists are skeptical of the prevailing view.

"Most of the studies to date have been at least partially industry funded," said UC Berkeley public health professor Joel Moskowitz. "They tend to find very different things than the independent studies. This is rather disconcerting because it makes it hard to know who to trust or what to trust."

If low-intensity microwaves can cause cancer, it would take more than a few years to become apparent, he said.

"The effects seem to be greater in those studies that looked at cell phone use for 10 years or longer, which is reasonable to expect because the induction period for tumors typically is on the order of decades rather than the order of years," Moskowitz said.

The latest study that tried to determine whether cell phones can cause brain tumors, called INTERPHONE, found an increased risk for cancer in people using their cell phones for more than 30 minutes a day over 10 years. For everyone else it showed a surprising result: using cell phones reduced a person's chances of getting brain cancer.

The study's authors concluded that both results might have been skewed because volunteers with tumors were more likely to exaggerate the connection to cell phones, and because the study did not include enough infrequent cell-phone users.

The INTERPHONE study, sponsored by the World Health Organization and done in 13 countries, was volunteer-based.

"The worry is that maybe only particular kinds of people are more likely to participate," said Jonathan Samet, the Director of the Institute for Global Health at USC.

Overall the study results, released May 17, are inconclusive. But they could suggest an increased risk of malignant brain tumors for regular cell phone users.

"In my personal opinion, I think we have a number of elements that suggest a possible increased risk among the heaviest users," said Elisabeth Cardis, who directed the INTERPHONE study, during an interview on Living on Earth, a Public Radio International program.

"And because the heaviest users in our study are considered low users today, I think that's something of concern."

The FCC and Food and Drug Administration have left the precautionary decision up to the public while they wait to see if any studies emerge with conclusive evidence associating cell phone use with cancer.

At the moment, cell phone users have to dig through the FCC website to see the level of their cell phone's radiation.

Sen. Leno hopes to make public access to these radiation values easier.

"I think consumers have a right to know what they are purchasing," Leno said. "We know that this is a health issue because the government has set a limit on how much radiofrequency a cell phone can emit."

In the meantime, Dr. West is recommending his patients keep their cell phones off their bodies – in part because most cell phone manuals advise users to keep their cell phone at least 2.5 centimeters from their body while carrying them.

"I don't think it is causing undue anxiety or harm to point out the fact it's an unanswered question," West said.

"Scientists tend to be very conservative about these sorts of things," he said. "They need to dot a lot of Is and cross a lot of Ts before they are going to say there is a link. But from a practical point of view, you could say, 'Well, this is an area being studied we don't have absolute evidence of safety, so why not be cautious?'"

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